Norfolk Schoolfinder
Information about the school
Walcot Road
IP22 4DH
Click here to contribute to the consultation.
Burston Primary School
Diss Infant Academy And Nursery
Roydon Primary School
Tivetshall Primary School
Diss CE Junior Academy
Garboldisham Church of England Primary Academy
Scole Church Of England Primary Academy
Dickleburgh Church Of England Primary Academy
All Saints CE VA Primary, Winfarthing
St. Andrew's Lopham CE VA Primary School
NOR May 2024 | |
Yr 7 | 154 |
Yr 8 | 195 |
Yr 9 | 141 |
Yr 10 | 149 |
Yr 11 | 143 |
Yr 12 | 73 |
Yr 13 | 74 |
Total | 929 |
School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)
In the event of there being more requests for places than places available, children will be admitted in the following order of priority:
1.children with an Educational Health and Care Plan naming that school;
2.children in public care who are due to transfer;
3.children who are due to transfer and live in the area served by the school;
4.children who are due to transfer and live outside the area served by the school, who have an older brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission (but not the Sixth Form);
5.children who are due to transfer who live outside the area served by the school and attend a feeder school at the opening date of the admission round.
6.children who are due to transfer and live outside the area served by the school.
If all children within any of the above criteria cannot be offered a place, the highest priority will be given to children living nearest to the school within those criteria. To determine who lives nearest, distance will be measured door to door, using Ordnance Survey data.
School admission policy : 2025/26 (Agreed)
In the event of there being more requests for places than places available, children will be admitted in the following order of priority:
1.children with an Educational Health and Care Plan naming that school;
2.children in public care who are due to transfer;
3.children who are due to transfer and live in the area served by the school;
4.children who are due to transfer and live outside the area served by the school, who have an older brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission (but not the Sixth Form);
5.children who are due to transfer who live outside the area served by the school and attend a feeder school at the opening date of the admission round.
6.children who are due to transfer and live outside the area served by the school.
If all children within any of the above criteria cannot be offered a place, the highest priority will be given to children living nearest to the school within those criteria. To determine who lives nearest, distance will be measured door to door, using Ordnance Survey data.