
MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
NewsletterAll staff
98/23Norfolk SENDIASS May e-newsletter 
InformationHeadteacher / Principals99/23Health, Safety and Wellbeing Training 
InformationHeadteacher, all staff, SENCO100/23SRB Panels for Academic Year 2023/24 
InformationAll staff
101/23Inclusion and SEND Support for Schools updates - Summer 2 
ActionHeadteacher, Bursar, Finance Officers
102/232023-2024 Academy and Trusts Offer28/07/2023 
InformationAll103/23Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month 
InformationAll schools
104/23Online incident reporting (OSHENS) 
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External Correspondence
CPDAngles Maths HubWhole-School Mastery Readiness and Development for Primary Schools 2023/24
CPDAngles Maths HubPrimary CPD Opportunities for 2023-24
CPDThe North Norwich & Lionwood Infant & Nursery School Communication HubsUsing storytelling & poems to support & promote language development in EY plus
GrantThe Wolfson FoundationFunding for secondary schools & sixth form colleges
CPDInspiration Teaching School HubInspiration TSH Newsletter
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