Ecourier for Governors

MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
InformationAll schools
37/20IMPORTANT - Ofsted SEND Inspection in Norfolk 
ActionHeadteachers, Senior Leaders with responsibility for Safeguarding
38/20Consultation on proposed changes - Keeping Children Safe in Education, September 202021/04/2020 
ActionCEO/Principals of Norfolk Academy Trusts
39/20Election for Academy Representative on Norfolk Schools Forum13/03/2020 
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28/02/2020  13:0028/02/2020  15:30Spring Primary Leadership Updates
04/03/2020  08:1504/03/2020  11:00Secondary Leadership Updates
06/03/2020  13:0006/03/2020  15:30Spring Primary Leadership Updates
10/03/2020  13:0010/03/2020  15:30Spring Primary Leadership Updates
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