Ecourier for Governors

MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
NewsletterAll staff
42/22Norfolk SENDIASS February e-newsletter 
Actionheadteachers, senior leaders
46/22Reminder of Approaching DfE Deadlines for KS2 Tests11/03/2022 
InformationAll schools
47/22Closure of the Education Library Service 
InformationAll schools
48/22The war in Ukraine - how schools can support children 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
Key:   Urgent  Normal  Low
CPDSchool leaders, Governors, SENDCOs, SEND professionals and other professionals working with children and young peopleMedical needs and Health Child Programme Twilight
CPDSchool leaders, SENDCOs, SEND professionals and other professionals working with children and young peoplePANS PANDAS Twilight
CPDProfessionals, Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, SENCO, Governor for SEND and SEND ProfessionalsSEND Forum Summer 22
CPDHeadteachers, SENDCOs, Business Managers, Finance OfficersElement 3 Funding Workshop
CPDProfessionals, Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, SENCO, Governor for SEND SEND ProfessionalsA whole organisation approach to emotional health and wellbeing
CPDparents/carers / teachers / group leaders / community / CYP and anyone involved with children and young people with asthma.Free training and app for CYP with asthma
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Upcoming Events
08/03/2022  09:0008/03/2022  09:00Consultation on proposed changes - Keeping Children Safe in Education, September 2022 (MI Sheet needs action)
16/03/2022  09:0016/03/2022  09:00New Cyber Resilience Programme Available (MI Sheet needs action)
View future holidays & events
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