
MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
InformationSchool Leaders
34/23School & Community Teams 
InformationAll staff
40/23Norfolk SENDIASS upcoming training for professionals and parent/carers24/02/2023 
ActionStaff in schools with a responsibility for school attendance41/23Fixed penalty notices in response to Year 11 absence10/03/2023 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
Key:   Urgent  Normal  Low
CPDSchool leaders, Governors, SENDCOs, SEND professionals etcMedical Needs Service Twilight
CPDSchool leaders, Governors, SENDCOs, SEND professionals etcHealthy Child Programme twilight
CPDSenior leaders, SENDCOs, inclusion & pastoral leads, SEND professionalsSEND Shared Support Session 2 € Spring 2023
CPDSenior leaders, SENDCOs and inclusion leads from mainstream schoolsSurgery sessions summer termE3 funding arrangements for financial year 2023-24
CPDMAT and senior leaders, SENDCos, pastoral and inclusion leadsEffective use of support staff
CPDSenior leaders, SENDCOs, Inclusion leads, business/finance managers from mainstream schools, etcElement 3 Funding Workshop (summer term 2023) Arrangements for the financial year 23-24
CPDAll staffInclusive Digital Technology
CPDSenior leaders, SENDCos, pastoral & inclusion leadsKIDS mediation and disagreement resolution service
CPDSenior leadership, SENCO, SEND governor & professionalsSEND Forum Summer 23
CPDSenior leaders, SENDCOs, inclusion & pastoral leads, SEND professionalsSEND Shared Support Session 3- Summer 2023
CPDTrust & school/academy leaders, governors / trustees, SENDCos & inclusion leadsSEN Information Report twilight
CPDTrust & school/academy leaders, SENDCos, participation leads, pastoral & inclusion leadsSupporting participation for children and young people with SEND in Norfolk
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External Correspondence
FlyerNelson's JourneyNelson's Journey Easter Egg Hunt
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