
MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
InformationHeadteachers, Designated Teachers for Looked After Children
92/22Pupil Premium Plus - summer term 2021-22 
InformationSENDCOs93/22Core Consultations30/06/2022 
ActionAll schools94/22Virtual Big Sing 2022 and Wood-Jam - Free music events Summer 202221/06/2022 
InformationHeads, SLT, Inlcusion Leads, EAL Co-ordinators, Pastoral Leads
95/22Invitation to set up the Young Interpreters scheme - Fully Funded12/05/2022 
InformationHeads, SLT, Inclusion Leads, EAL Co-ordinators, Pastoral Leads
96/22Join The Norfolk Schools' Day of Welcome for refugees 
ActionHeadteachers/Principals of Primary, Secondary, Special/AP Schools
97/22Educate Norfolk Leadership Updates - Summer term10/06/2022 
ActionAll Norfolk Headteachers and CEO98/22Breakfast meeting Invitation to join Sara Tough/Chris Snudden to discuss Schools White Paper and SEND and AP Green Paper!20/05/2022 
CPDSLT and Religious Education Leads
99/22Norfolk SACRE - Religious Education Conference - 10% discount!13/05/2022 
InformationSchool leadership
100/22We need your help to make Norfolk a county where every child and young person can flourish 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
Key:   Urgent  Normal  Low
CPDSENCOs, SEND Governors and ProfessionalsAccess Through Technology
CPDTrust, academy and school leaders, governors and trustees, SENDCOs, pastoral and inclusion leads, SEND professionalsInclusive Curriculum Twilight
CPDAll teaching and support staffLevel 4 Award in Supporting Children & Young People with Speech, Language and Communication Needs
CPDSchool leadership, SENCO, SEND governor & professionalsA whole organisation approach to emotional health and wellbeing
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External Correspondence
InformationAnglia Ruskin UniversitySocial work student in schools project
NewsletterInspiration Teaching School HubThe Bulletin
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Upcoming Events
16/05/2022  09:0016/05/2022  09:00Term Dates required for School Transport Services (MI Sheet needs action)
19/05/2022  09:0019/05/2022  09:00School and Pupil Census Summer 2022 (MI Sheet needs action)
View future holidays & events
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