
MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
InformationSchools Finance105/22Barclays Bank - Authorisation of Bacs Payments 
106/22School Sixth Form High Needs Funding Applications31/12/22 
ActionHeadteachers, School Administrators and Chairs of Governors of all Primary Phase Schools and Academies including Special Schools
108/22Submission of Assessment Information 2022 - Detailed Guidance21/06/2022 
InformationHeads, SLT, Pastoral staff, Inclusion leads, EAL co-ordinators and teaching staff
109/22Supporting newly arrived refugees - Info, training and resource 
ActionHeadteachers, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Governors
110/22Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE) - May 2022 revisions01/09/2022 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
Key:   Urgent  Normal  Low
CPDEYFS, KS1, KS2Norfolk Road Safety Primary Education Interventions
CPDSENCOs, SEND Governors, SEND ProfessionalsAccess Through Technology
CPDTrust and school leaders, governors, trustees, SENDCos, pastoral and inclusion leads, SEND professionalsInclusive Curriculum Twilight
CPDAll teaching and support staff in early years to post-16Level 4 Award in Supporting Children & Young People with Speech, Language and Communication Needs
CPDHeadteacher, deputy headteacher, SENCO, SEND governor and professionalsA whole organisation approach to emotional health and wellbeing
CPDNew, assistant or aspiring SENDCos; and SENDCos wanting a refresherNorfolk SENDCo Now Training Cohort 4, 2022-23
FlyerAll staffGressenhall Farm and Workhouse Schools Programme 2022-23
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External Correspondence
CPDInspiration Teaching School HubInspiration TSH training for Early Career Teachers
GrantGRANTfinderGrants for School Music Equipment
FlyerGoogle for EducationThe Google Anywhere Event - 7 June 2022
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Upcoming Events
07/06/2022  09:0007/06/2022  09:00Education DESTY Briefing Event (MI Sheet needs action)
08/06/2022  08:3008/06/2022  16:00The Communication Champions Conference
10/06/2022  09:0010/06/2022  09:00Term Dates required for School Transport Services (MI Sheet needs action)
View future holidays & events
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