
MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
InformationHeadteacher, Senior Leadership Teams, Designated Teachers
227/21Recovery Premium Funding for Looked-After Children 
228/21Unregulated Alternative Provision templates for schools 
ActionAll Norfolk Academy Trusts229/21Election for an Academy Representative on Norfolk Schools Forum09/12/2021 
InformationAll schools
230/21Winter Preparedness for Schools 
InformationAll schools
231/21Correspondence from Norfolk County Council 1/12/2021 
InformationAll schools232/21Managing COVID-19 in education 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
Key:   Urgent  Normal  Low
FlyerAll Staff (may be suitable for DIY enthusiasts, hobbyists and people interested in entering the construction industry)New FREE construction courses with Adult Learning
CPDPrimary phase school SLT, Lead MSA, MSAsManaging Lunchtime Moments: A CPD session with accompanying resources for MSAs
CPDYear 4 teachers, Maths subject leaders, teaching assistantsAchieving Fluency in the Year 4 Multiplication Tables - Check the new training course!
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Upcoming Events
09/12/2021  09:0009/12/2021  09:00Election for an Academy Representative on Norfolk Schools Forum (MI Sheet needs action)
10/12/2021  09:0010/12/2021  09:00Big Norfolk Festive Holiday Fun - HAF codes and booking activities (MI Sheet needs action)
10/12/2021  09:0010/12/2021  09:00Help us to help you with your CPD needs next year - short survey (MI Sheet needs action)
17/12/2021  09:0017/12/2021  09:00Consultation on School term and holiday dates for 2023/24 (MI Sheet needs action)
View future holidays & events
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