
MI Sheet
TypeAudienceMI NumberTitleDate To Be Completed
26/22CADS Information for All Partner Organisations 
FeedbackSENCOs and Head teachers
27/22SEN Information Reports31/10/2022 
ActionHeadteachers, Chair of Governors, Designated Safeguarding Leads
28/22Audit of School Safeguarding Practices 2022 - Group 227/05/2022 
29/222022/23 Budget Share 
InformationHeadteacher/SLT/Data Manager/IT Manager
30/22Further ransomware attacks on the UK Education sector by cyber criminals 
InformationHeadteacher31/22Free School Meal Information31/03/2022 
InformationHeadteacher & Finance Staff
32/22Sickness Insurance Scheme 2022-2317/02/2022 
InformationCEOs, Headteachers and Principals, Safeguarding Leads; SENDCos, RSHE Leads33/22Fully funded RSHE support for Norfolk Schools! 
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Norfolk County Council Correspondence
Key:   Urgent  Normal  Low
CPDSchool leaders, SENDCOs, Inclusion, Behaviour or Pastoral leads, SEND professionals, GovernorsSupporting learners with SEMH needs
CPDSchool leaders, SENDCOs, SEND professionals and other professionals working with children and young peoplePANS PANDAS
CPDSchool leaders, Governors, SENDCOs, SEND professionals and other professionals working with children and young peopleMedical Needs Service and Healthy Child Programme twilight
CPDSchool leaders, governors, teachers, SENDCOs, transition leads, SEND professionalsSupporting transition
CPDYear 4 Teachers, Maths Subject Leaders, Teaching AssistantsAchieving Fluency in the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
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External Correspondence
CPDNorwich Opportunity AreaImprove early communication through Communication Hubs
GrantNorfolk Gardens TrustGrants for schools
GrantGRANTfinderEducation Grants to Raise the Attainment of 3-18 Year Olds
CPDNorfolk Teachers Writing GroupNational Writing Project - local Zoom meetings
FeedbackInspiration Teaching School HubNPQ: The Journey So Far
InformationThe Norfolk & Norwich Archaeological SocietyNNAS Community archaeology conference
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Upcoming Events
24/02/2022  09:0024/02/2022  09:00A Day of Welcome - Norfolk Schools of Sanctuary initiative (MI Sheet needs action)
28/02/2022  09:0028/02/2022  09:00Autumn term RAG 2021 (MI Sheet needs action)
View future holidays & events
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